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"Those who teach the most about humanity aren’t always human."

Special Needs




At CLAWS we believe that all cats deserve a second chance at life, especially those that have physical disabilities, are seniors, have a chronic or terminal illness, or have been abused and need someone to care for, love, and understand them.


We are always in need of sponsors, foster homes, and adoptive homes for our special needs cats. 



Cats that have the challenges listed below can all provide their adoptive or foster families with a great deal of love, companionship, and camaraderie. Those families that make the commitment to going the extra mile will never regret their decision to bring a special needs cat into their lives.


If you cannot provide a home at this time consider sponsoring one of these special cats.  Your gift provides lifesaving medicine, specialized veterinary care, and comfort to a kitty that pulls on your heartstrings.  Without sponsors, we would not be able to do the work we do for these often overlooked cats.





FIV + 


  • FIV is a cat-only disease and cannot be spread to humans or other non-felines.

  •   FIV cats most often live long, healthy and relatively normal lives with no symptoms at all.

  •   FIV is not easily passed between cats.  It cannot be spread casually - like in litter boxes, water, and food bowls, or when snuggling and playing






  • FELV+ cats may not live as long as other cats, but they can enjoy a good quality of life with care. 

  • FELV only affects cats -- it cannot be transmitted to people, dogs, or other animals

  • FELV+ cats can live with other FELV+ cats and they are great companions for each other



Neurological Disorders


  • They don’t seem to know that they’re any different from other cats. 

  • These cats are an inspiration. Living with them will give you a new appreciation for overcoming life’s obstacles.

  • They are some of the sweetest cats you’ll ever meet, and what they lack in coordination they make up in personality

Socialization Disorders


  • Usually the result of abuse or cage stress these cats blossom in a stable and patient home

  • They form great bonds with those who teach them trust  and become loyal companions

  • Those who give them the time are rewarded with getting to know their true personality


 Chronic Medical Disorders


  • Missing a limb or an eye does not limit the life span of these special cats or slow them down.

  • Medical support for most chronic illnesses can be easily provided and often requires minimal time.

  • Being in a home often extends the life of terminally ill cats and they ask for little more than love.

  • All these special kitties know you are giving them a second chance and will thank you every day.





Browse the CAT-alogue to meet our residents and learn more about ways to support them through the various programs CLAWS offers supporters.

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