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Looking for a leader who will champion the cause of all cats, no matter how shy?

Then vote for Hibiscus, our (meow-shy) meowdel who’s running for Chief Cat! Don’t let her preference for window perches fool you – Hibiscus has a big heart and a purr-fect plan for CLAWS.

Hibiscus Believes In:

  • Every cat deserves a safe and loving place to blossom, even the wallflowers.

  • Quiet playtime and gentle cuddles are essential for shy kitties.

  • More comfy hiding spots for cats who need a little me-time.

Hibiscus may not be the loudest candidate, but her quiet determination is exactly what CLAWS needs!

Vote Hibiscus for Chief Cat: Because shy cats deserve love too!

Let’s make a difference, one purr at a time!

Donate today: and please add Hibiscus' name in the comment section. Otherwise Fancy Pants will take all the votes!


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For meeting the catadents please set up an appointment- 970-241-3793 or  

P.S. Hibiscus might be a little shy at first, but a calm and gentle approach (and maybe some tasty treats!) can go a long way. Visit the shelter and meet this sweet kitty!


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